Your reputation is your most valuable asset

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, medical practices that employ a robust online marketing and reputation management strategy are a step ahead of the competition. This isn't merely a trend, it's the new normal. As patients increasingly turn to online sources to find and vet their healthcare providers, those without a strong digital footprint risk being overlooked.

90% of patients look for your online reputation before making a visit. Clixavo helps medical practices navigate this digital frontier.

SEO Optimisation

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Digital Marketing

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Social Marketing

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Marketing Solutions for Your Practice

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  • Here's some stuff
  • Solution 2
  • Solution 3

Turn negative reviews into positive feedback

Your online reputation drives your business.

In today's interconnected digital world, a strong online reputation is a requirement for professionals of all types. Patients rely heavily on online reviews and testimonials when choosing healthcare providers. A positive online presence signals trust and credibility, influencing a potential patient's decision to choose your practice over others.

Proactive Reputation Building: Gather and Showcase Positive Reviews

At Clixavo, we understand that your online reputation is a virtual extension of your practice's values and quality of care. Our reputation management services are designed to ensure your digital presence reflects the high standards of your practice, helps attract new patients, retain existing ones, and builds a trustworthy and influential brand image in the digital healthcare space.

Monitor, Manage, and Maintain: Your Continuous Reputation Strategy

Managing your online reputation goes beyond just looking good. It's about fostering transparency, addressing patient feedback, and showcasing your commitment to exceptional patient care. This takes ongoing attention to your online presence and management of anything that may impact your business.


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